The Three Horseshoes is a historic public house, situated in the heart of the rural village of Helions Bumpstead. It has its origins in the 19th century and owes its name to association with the Blacksmith’s forge which was once located in the close vicinity. The pub itself was originally a terrace of three adjacent cottages which provided living accommodation for the families of labourers who worked in the forge. Although it is not the oldest of the inns of Helions Bumpstead the Three Horseshoes is by some margin the most enduring. The last remaining pub in the village, it has been a free house for more than a decade, having previously been tied to Greene King.
The Three Horseshoes was listed as an Asset of Community Value by the Parish Council in 2014 when it was closed to the public. Since then a concerted campaign to reopen the premises as a community hub has successfully blocked a change of use application. Dialogue with the current owners is ongoing and it is hoped that the pub will reopen for business in 2018.
Looking to the future, it is intended that the pub should be at the very heart of the village in every sense. A Community Benefit Society has been established which will acquire the freehold of the premises. Although the reopening of the pub itself is the first priority future plans under consideration are for additional amenities for the benefit of the community including a village shop and the establishment of an on-site microbrewery. Local support for the venture is strong. Meetings and events to highlight the campaign have been extremely well-attended. It is widely understood, however, that the village itself is not sufficiently well-populated to sustain the venture in the future. It is accordingly essential that business should successfully attract customers from neighbouring villages and further afield.